Earn $231.00 with Movies. Content locker and CPA marketing, Full Method!


Earn $231.00 with Movies. Content locker and CPA marketing, Full Method!

We made money with CPA marketing with the help of movies guys in today's article I'm going to show you a secret method that nobody is telling you, you probably saw many videos on YouTube showing you how you can use different kind of movies to promote CPA offers but here is the thing many of those websites actually all of those websites are pirate websites, and they are full of ads and viruses, and it's actually not that good to set send people on those websites but in today's in this article I am going to show you legit website where you can send people to watch full movies totally free.

  We did first I went on my CPA affiliate network in this case CPA grip, but you can use any other CPA affiliate Network and I actually created a URL Locker, so click create a new URL Locker agree to the terms and condition click and continue, and now we need to create a URL lock you need to add a video you need to add a link to that movie but before that you actually need to make a bridge page.

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So you can make a bridge page on your own website and that is the best option but if you can't then you can make one on Google sites is totally free so for the title I will say watch cool movies it is really important to see full movies okay because you are not promoting trailers you are promoting full movies.

     Now we actually need to find a film that we will promote that we will use to promote my CPA offer but where you can find those movies right you can simply go on YouTube believe it or not you can find full movies on YouTube just search full movie.

YouTube is 100% legit so here you're probably thinking right now well nobody is looking for those movies nobody wish to watch those movies and that is why they actually uploaded on YouTube you can see that movies got a million views which means people actually do wish to watch movies and also so just copy title of movie and go on hf3 keyword generator paste here you can see choose United States and see results. 

You find full movies so what we need to do simply need to copy link, we need to go back on CPA grip and need to add that link click on Save and that's it you created a URL Locker click on get links and URL Locker link ready so copy that and going to paste in notepad because going to need that later.

 Next thing we need to do actually find an image we need to find a poster so simply go on Google sites and need to click on template, and then we can add an image go on Google images, and then we need to search for the name of movie so you can find royalty free images of such movie insert image and this is actually legit because Google is giving you images click to edit text we need to add my call to action so say something like click here to watch movie, watch full movie you can say something like that you can even add a title of movie can say something like click here to watch then what we need to do we actually need to copy link my URL Locker CPA grip URL locker, and we need to highlight it and then click on little chain paste URL here, click on apply. Just click to preview to see how website actually looks when someone click on it will be redirected to URL locker and if they finish the survey they will be redirected to this YouTube video to YouTube movie so they can watch movie on YouTube.

 But they don't know that they can actually watch this movie totally free on YouTube.

Promote our CPA offers you need to do you simply need to actually go back, and you need to find more movies as you can see there are lots of full movies good movies and people still wish to watch those movies here, and you can give them for free because people don't know that they can actually watch full movies on YouTube totally free, and you will use that to promote your CP offers simply go back on your Google site and simply add more and more add movies and add your URL Locker on all of those movies and like we said every time people finish the survey in order to watch that movies you will make money.

 But you're probably wondering where can I promote such page you can simply go on Facebook, and then you can say something like free movies press enter and then click on groups you can see lots of groups where people are searching free movies where they can watch free movies.

 Another place where you can find good free traffic is Reddit, simply go and Reddit we said you can recommend your Google site your Bridge page where you're promoting different kind of CPA offers and redirecting people on YouTube videos on YouTube movies because like we say most of the people don't know that they can actually watch full movies directly on YouTube totally free.

You can also use Quora you can use Instagram Twitter Tick Tock different kind of forums you can use threads different kind of blogs you can even pay for ads to promote your bridge page and drive traffic and take advantage you will use that and make money with CPA marketing with CPA grip and free movies on YouTube.

   That's it for today guys, if you wish to see more ways to make money online make sure to contacted with me and also don't forget to like this article and also shear with friends 

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