$135 Day With CPAGrip Content Lockers

$135 Day With CPAGrip Content Lockers

CPA URL Locker *Trick*

CPA Marketing Free Traffic Method •

Today's CPA marketing tutorial I'm going to be showing how you can use the URL file lockers tool and how you can start making money with CPA marketing .

I'll show you how you can set up the URL locker with captcha and I'll show you a trick that you can apply with free traffic methods so without wasting any more seconds let me show  how you can start making money with CPA marketing using the CPA URL Locker tool 

So first of all you want to go over to the CPA grip CPA grip as a CPA Network.

that allows you to create your account for free without any approval request but you can use any other CPA Network and you can apply this exact method or strategy to make money with CPA marketing.

 Anyways so once you'll log into your account then you'll head over to the monetization tools then you'll go to the URL file lockers and then here you'll click  button create new URL Locker then here you'll check to agree to the terms of service and you'll click  button continue so after loading this page first of all you'll go to the templates Tab and you want to choose  captcha template then you'll go back to the general Tab and here you can keep  as it is you want to go to the locked URL and here we want to set in url as our locked URL once someone will complete a CPA offer then they'll be redirected to this URL whatever URL you put here in short people need to complete a CPA offer to be able to unlock this content and to find out some interesting content that we can lock here.


 Come over to YouTube and you want to search for some videos that people will enjoy and get excited to watch so here is an example you can search for COD on camera and you want to press enter and check this out guys each of these videos is different and each of these videos has something mysterious that people will be excited to watch so what you want to do you want to open a video first then you'll click  on share you'll copy the link of the video then your

Next step is to come over to Google and you want to search for thumbnail Grabber and  you'll open a website then you'll paste the URL  and you want to download the image to your device and after downloading the image you'll go back to the URL locker and you'll paste the video URL   and then here you can say after completion this video will be unlocked and that's it the URL Locker is now ready you'll now click  on Save so as you can see  locker for CPA marketing so you'll click  on get links and you want to copy the link of your locker .

 Now the next step you'll come over to canva and  you'll drag and drop the thumbnail image then you'll click on it you'll click use in a design and then  you'll go to the elements you'll pick the square shape and you want to cover the whole thumbnail with it and then you'll change the color to Black then you'll reduce the transparency to 60.

Then  you'll search for play and you want to pick a play icon from  then you'll change its color to white and you can also set the transparency to 60 and once you complete this little task then you'll click  on share and you want to download it to your device.

 So if you're enjoying  guys then I want you to like and shear for a little appreciation .

Next step you'll come over to Google sites which is sites.google.com and once you come to Google sites then you'll open a blank page and  you want to remove  block then you'll grab the text box and  you can simply copy and paste the title from the video you can make it bold and you can place it in the center then here you can drag and drop the image which you've downloaded from canva then you want to make this image bigger and you want to place it in the center and after that you'll click on it then you'll click  link icon and this is where you'll paste your CPA Locker link then you'll click on apply and then you'll click  on publish and  you want to set a web address so you can put anything or you can simply put the title from the video and you want to click on publish so you can now copy your landing page link then you'll click copy link and if you visit the link then you can see the preview of it so this is what people will see when they'll come to this page and if someone clicks on  image to watch the video then it'll redirect them to the locker page and  they have to complete a CPA offer to watch the video and if they complete a CPA offer then you'll earn the CPA commission and the commission can be higher or lower it will depend on which country you are getting traffic from so we have now the landing page ready and now we want to drive traffic .

Two different traffic sources  first traffic source that you can use to drive thousands of traffic easily is Pinterest you want to come over to pinterest.com and then you'll click  on sign up then you'll enter an email you'll set a password you'll enter your birth date and you want to hit continue and after login into your account you want to click  on create then create pin and  you'll upload the image you can change the image size to Pinterest pin size using canva and then  you'll put the title from the video and  you'll put your Google sites link then you want to hit publish

 So that's the first way that you can use to drive traffic .

the second website that you can use to bring traffic is called imgur.

imgur.com this website is kind of like Pinterest so you want to head over to  website and then you'll click  on sign up and  you'll set a username , email , set a password then you'll enter your phone number  then you'll go to the next step and you want to complete the registration process so once you log into your account then you'll click  new post and you can drag and drop  the image then you'll put the title

then  paste your landing page link and after that you'll click  community and then post publicly .

So that was the second traffic source that you can use to drive traffic .

If you want my more Earning ideas and learn how to make thousands of dollars online using all sorts of free traffic sources then make sure to check out the link given below .

For more free traffic methods see more

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