Make $5,000 w/ CPA Marketing •


 Don't worry if you're a complete beginner i'll show you everything step by step

With a new trick to make money online now without wasting any more seconds first of all you want to head over to the CPAgrip website and if you don't have an account then you want to click here to register now .

Once you guys create your account then you will log into your account and click on offer tools then go to my offers, now before pick an offer first find out the highest payout cpa offers then chose country and you want to choose all countries then it will take a few seconds to load all cpa offers.

You can see getting all the different cpa offers for all the different countries and now to find out the highest payout cpa offers. Getting all the different highest payout cpa offers you can pick any offers and you can promote them to their targeted country and the traffic strategy that i'm going to be disclose for you  pick any country's cpa offer to promote, you can pick gift card offers also you can pick paypal offers.

Next step you want to come to website called systema click the link then you'll directly to website the reason why you want to come to such website cause we want to make a landing page for our cpa offer i'd always suggest making a landing page before you start promoting any cpa offers if you have a landing page then you'll be safe from getting banned from the cpa network so once you come to systema website then simply enter your email address click on get started for free button and the reason i love this website because this website service is free forever and you don't need any credit card to create a free account.

Once you guys sign into your account now want to make the landing page and for that you click funnels and then you click button create now you have to type a name of  funnel  then you wanna click  first one build an audience then click button create now you can see they already have some templates done for you and you can use  templates for your online business.

After the creation of landing page, copy the link of your landing page.

Next step you wanna come to pay serious attention from now first of all if you don't have a twitter account then create an account quickly and once you logged in to your account then you want to go to home and you will type a tweet and make sure you put your landing page link you can make your link shorter by using bitly and you want to add an image and then tweet it so now  you want to do click share icon and you wanna click copy link to tweet so what basically we're gonna be doing we're gonna bring traffic to this tweet only.

From cpa offer aloud country  we will do this completely free with zero dollars of cost, let me show you how you wanna come to website called or you'll find this website link here once you come to such website first of all  you wanna register here by putting your email and a password then check mark and you wanna hit sign up and once you finish this sign up process then you'll put your email and the password and you wanna log in to your account and once you guys logged in to your account  basically this website is a social media exchange platform we can exchange here like shares followers using  points if you see at the left side then  you can see we can do all of  social exchanges here and we want to exchange here twitter retweets, retweets mean people will share our twitter post to their profile.

Let me explain how this is powerful if one person shares your tweet to his profile and if that person has 1 000 followers that means you're reaching a thousand people now if 100 people do this then imagine how much traffic you'll get to your cpa offer and that's why this is a powerful method.

Okay so will set the exchange method so at first the type you will choose as twitter retweets and  you can see countries are worldwide selected but we don't want to get traffic from worldwide cause our cpa offer only allows us to promote selected country so we want to target selected country instead of getting traffic worldwide so you want to unchecked and you can see select countries and from the list find out that country's name and so once you find it then you want a check mark and then in the next field put our tweet id and  copy the link of our tweet paste the link. 

You finish this then you save changes button and then watch how your tweet is going viral

Hope you guys learned something tricky stuff in this aritcle if it is then smash the like and shear post.


. Some use full links down here.



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